The Dead Man's Soul
Why do we cry when somebody dies?
We cry because there sentiments attached to that person... why did the sentiments developed? Because there were certain good things in that person that we admired or he had done something for us that we were indebted to him..
We all are God's messenger on Earth.. God has imbibed certain good things in each of us.. and we are here to spread the same....
When does God calls back a soul???
The day we stop learning form a soul, start taking him for granted and make him useless for us, or
the day when the mission of influencing a certain fixed number of lives is achieved the soul is called back to the GOD...
We all are mortal, one day we all have to depart... But every life carries a certain message.. and is sent to Earth with a certain purpose...
All we can do is to make somebody's stay on Earth successful and give a meaning to it... And this is what we all should strive to do...
But how? Just by appreciating the good things he has/had but most importantly we need to make those good things a part of our own personality trait... And through our "ACTIONS" keep spreading the good message the person was doing...
"The Soul WILL Rest in Peace"